Wednesday, May 18, 2011

nur wardah dahliya binti mohd jalali

so long...
too long...
very long...
same meaning...hehehe...
if talk about so long do not write something here, i always said,"i'm busy"...standard reason rite...
betullll....saya sangat sibuk....bersama-sama ngn my ofismate...
new sillibus for matcriculation program...added computer science as subjek teras...and, we as IT lecturer involved in these. with only 9 members, many things to settle down...we accept it, we face it, we try our best....

terpesong tajuk???hehehe...i know...
ok, back to the title above: who's nur wardah dahliya binti mohd jalali?
my new family's member...our sweetheart, our love, our busuk2, our comel, our intan payung, our manje, our SEMEK....hehehe...too long without new baby girl in our family, and lastly my beloved kak long delivered someone special that named nur wardah dahliya...
recall at the day my kak long admitted and got so nervous, so feeling mix...
Alhamdulillah, wardah dahliya was born safely on 25th februari 2011....after solat jumaat...
Cik La doakan wardah dahliya be a good daughter, hambaNya yang solehah, be a smart person, be a good friends to Cik La...rajin2 balik ganu ye nnti...hehehhe...

so, here i introduce my cute and chubby anak sedare...

 wardah @second day....chinese or japanese look? cik de

sengetkan kepale anda...hehehe

 wif her mom yg booolatttt...hehehhe....kwn2 ckp my sis look younger than me...sob...sob...i accept this reality...hehehe...

if ad kesempatan, kila update lg ye...wardah dahliya now stay at perak...i'm gonna miss her damn much....

mood: kiela sedang bersedih hati...dont know why...cant describe what the reason, but it related wif dia...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Delayed Release - MY BIRTH OF DAY n CNY

Assalamualaikum r u my dearest reader? hope all well...i'm doing very well everyone...alhamdulillah...
as title above...story ni dh lame tersimpan kemas in my mind...walaupun sdh agk lewat...more than a month, but really want to story mory gok kat readers yg tercinta....:)

Quite a long time to write something on my i'm back through after a very busy month...
Its about my BIRTH OF DAY...hari lahir kila ke bumi Allah yang sementara ini.

Dengan lafaz Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim....
27th January 1986....25 years ago....and
Thank you Allah for giving me another chance to meet my birthday again.Once again the time has come...27 Januari 2011.
Am i enough old???or still young???hehehehe....
For all the sins and wrongdoings i've done.
Its time to look around and consider my own actions.
May Allah forgive me,  InsyaALLAH.
May Allah accept my doa, InsyaALLAH.

For all that i have Ya Allah that i am is from YOU is for YOU and to YOU do i return.
may this my birthday brings me closer to Allah with his touch of blessing.
guide me Ya Allah...
dearest friends...i also seek forgiveness if i've hurt you in any way.
end February is today! time flies.time goes...time free but it's priceless.
baru berkesempatan to post new entry after so long hold it...

My birthday especially...the number of 27 is very special...of course because its my birthday...

then, when some people ask me..."kiela, when ur birthday?", "Kiela,brape hb tarikh lahir?", "Kiela, xingat la tarikh lahir deme...bila ye?", "Kiela, i confius la ur birthday bila... dua puluh brape ye?",

hehehe...with confident plus shy2 cat i will answer:" jumlah pahala solat berjemaah tu tarikh lahir kila...pada bulan Januari..." that mean 27 Januari...pahala solat berjemaah kan 27 kali ganda dr solat sorang2...:)

i'm very excited to story mory about celebration of my birthday...there are memories that I will not forget until any. I will remember until the end of my life. I will be stories to my childrens and grandchildrens that I long for my age. even feel angry, embarrassed, and sangat serba salah, because I do not like the difficulty for me, but I'm very happy for him and them..
I would really appreciate them until the end of my life.
I do not care whether I celebrated a birthday or not ... but every time they come year after year, sepenuh kesyukuran saya panjatkan kepada Allah s.w.t. kerana memberi peluang kepada saya untuk terus menghirup udara segar di bumiNya, masih berpeluang untuk memperbaiki segala kekurangan, masih berpeluang untuk menambahkan amalan kebaikan, tingkatkan ketakwaan dan keimanan sebagai hambaNya.
still have the opportunity to serve and sacrifice for my beloved family, relatives, friends, religion, students....Alhamdulillah...

on January 26, 2011, my birthday is celebrated the day before. greeted at the office with Kak Rus and other officemates ...

enjoy the pictures below:

 kikilala n kak rus upin ipin

 cake beday yg best

 kak muzi n kak eg kusyuk mkn....

yg celebrate our beday kt ofis
session 2 celebrate my beday....

 After the maghrib prayer on January 26, Nurul invite Kila went out to eat ...
she said the table was booked. but i'm quite strange, because just to eat at mc donald ...why must booking2 rite?hehehhe.... i think to eat in restaurants only.
ikut je la...dah org nk belanja kan...kalu makan KFC best gok nurul...hahaha...demand....
at TC can all happen without thought of my mind..just let they and me know...
sila enjoy gambar-gambar di bawah yang boleh dilihat...hehehhe...alhamdulillah...
 thanks so much to mek nuyoi...

 thank you very much for the cake and present to K.A.M.U

belong to kikilala n nuyoi
 thank you very much for a surprise birthday, willing to spend to eat, all who are willing bersusah payah for me, for I do not expect gifts from both of u...

terima kasih banyak-banyak atas ucapan-ucapan selamat dari keluarga tersayang...adik hakim yang baru mula belajar menaip mesej (so sweet adik), ujah, kak long, angah, byie, deq syue, cik na...
ucapan dri my beloved bff, friends....luv u all so much..

CNY Break...

very busy road during the chinese new year break...

depart from gambang to ganu at 9.30 with waheeda and nurul...

before that we have breakfast at the nearby kedai makan mahkota aman...
cuti xterasa sgt kerana busy memenuhi undangan kwn2...

4 Feb 2011, dua undangan yg perlu kenduri tunang my duapupu...
lets the pic story it..

 jodoh jeng @ ernie sampai dlu b4 we all...hope you happy forever....

 pok@ nadrah bertunang...

ambik berkat....hehehhe

I write too long already...hehehhe...i think to add about ICT week...but no have idea about it...i will story about it at the next entry erk...wait for it yaa....hehehhe....
Doakan saya terus kuat untuk tempuhi hari-hari mendatang...
Works with sincerity, calm and happy....Confident with myself even orang lain meraguinye...
See you later my dear readers...

* Happy birthday to Adik Syue (21 Feb 2011)
*alhamdulillah, tahniah untuk my Kak Long kerana selamat melahirkan baby girl pada 25 Feb 2011 (Jumaat)

Monday, January 24, 2011

First entry 2011

Alhamdulillah, syukur masih dipanjangkan usia untuk melalui tahun 2011...hope usia masih panjang seiring jua dengan pertambahan amal ketakwaan kepada Allah....Xmahu hidup sia-sia...

Many things happened...and i dont know how to write it rite now...
Thinking....and i decide to divide it in several section....heheheh...

MAIKK (30 Dis 2010)
Two days before 2010 ending, my college ada majlis AIKK....
Tema: anggun, bergaye and glamour...
So pening think about what should i wear...lastly decide, borrow my KakLong punye baju akad nikah...hahaha...while ambik aura byk2 skali....nk tgok cmner i look like:..
.scroll down

caution!Just ignore wif the blind-blind one, shining color, laser  or whatsoever la...

meriah x baju makcik Kiela ni?
Kita tgok another one erk....

spot me....:)
suspen je...mmg i x bergaye sgt dat auntie said , i like nk bertunang dah...huhuhu....

Diz year i starting it with sport....i love sport...badan cm sgt xselesa bila sdh lame x bersukan....then, diz year i nk encourage myself and my friends  involve in least jogging at Weekend day....
I join Badminton and my partner is Waheeda...hopefully we can win this tournament...i will try my best....Pray for us my friends...

Banyak maksud relationship ni...hehehe...
Relationship wif my friends....aka friendship...
Ada yg terasa semakin jauh, ada yg terasa biase2 aje, ada jg yg rase makin rapat, ada yg mcm suam2 kuku...hehehe....pepun yg i rase dekat or jauh...i love my friends so BFFs....Name2 nye...rahsia....I will do anything for them....
Setiap org ada kelemahan, me too of course....ada...
Terima baik buruk org seadanya...
Kelemahan diri kita perbaiki and always upgrade to be better than our old time.

"relationship"...hehehe...i know dia try to be honest about dia feeling....but...i'm in dilemma (mcm lagu Nora lak). I try to be honest too, but i dont know how...but if dia know me, dia will understand what i try to do...what i try to talk...what i try to explain....heheheh....
selama ni berkawan...dia always story mory about dia, relationship die before, whose dia like, and bila membabitkan or menerbitkan feeling2 ni, i jadi sgt segan...i jadi so lemah...i jadi so naif....i jadi so takut....i jadi sgt rendah diri...i jadi sgt xconfident...
I like dia so much...becoz i know dia is a good one...but i'm not really ready about to be so serious in relationship...InsyaALLAH if we are meant be together, i accept it with open heart...hehehehe....tetttt....sape2 bace, senyap je erk...
still dalam proses membiasakan diri, preparing myself....
hope dia xbosan dengan i.InsyaAllah i will wait for you...

work more harder than last year...ikhlaskan diri mendidik anak bangsa, more bersemangat. chaiyok2...dont ever tangguh2 kan work as soon as possible...practice to be a good teacher....lebih tegas and garang....(hahahha....cmner nk train i ni).
no more drama air strong facing any situation...
be anak buah yg berkaki lebar (berkaliber), facing all challenges with smiling...
what else?....the conclusion, i want be a great Teacher, great Worker...can i?InsyaALLAH....always pray for it.


be a better muslimah, better person, better daughter, better sister, better friends, be better in what i do, what i be...for the rest my lifetime.
Plan my financial neatly, for my bright future...hehehe...
Banyakkan amal ibadah...dari sekecik-kecik amal until la sebesar-besarnya...avoid mengumpat, avoid mengadu domba, avoid bermasam muka, avoid bad mood without nothing reason, avoid increase my voice volume. its not my faithfulness for diz year...because for me, we need to change our bad attitudes to the better one, day by day, time by soon as possible...jangan biarkan menjadi barah dlm diri kita bru nk, everyday, everytime i really hope to be a good person, a good ummah....dont talk to much, but make it be real Shakila....InsyaAllah...

for my beloved priority...
really hope that i always be with them in any situation, tolong segalanye semampunye  sebaik mungkin...
Alhamdulillah, semoga terus diberi nikmat iman yang xpegun semakin bertambah, nikmat islam yang berterusan, nikmat kesihatan, nikmat kebahagiaan yang berpanjangan, nikmat rezeki yang melimpah ruah untuk sm2 utk dikongsi, dilindungi dan dirahmati oleh Allah s.w.t sentiasa...everywhere, everytime.