Monday, January 24, 2011

First entry 2011

Alhamdulillah, syukur masih dipanjangkan usia untuk melalui tahun 2011...hope usia masih panjang seiring jua dengan pertambahan amal ketakwaan kepada Allah....Xmahu hidup sia-sia...

Many things happened...and i dont know how to write it rite now...
Thinking....and i decide to divide it in several section....heheheh...

MAIKK (30 Dis 2010)
Two days before 2010 ending, my college ada majlis AIKK....
Tema: anggun, bergaye and glamour...
So pening think about what should i wear...lastly decide, borrow my KakLong punye baju akad nikah...hahaha...while ambik aura byk2 skali....nk tgok cmner i look like:..
.scroll down

caution!Just ignore wif the blind-blind one, shining color, laser  or whatsoever la...

meriah x baju makcik Kiela ni?
Kita tgok another one erk....

spot me....:)
suspen je...mmg i x bergaye sgt dat auntie said , i like nk bertunang dah...huhuhu....

Diz year i starting it with sport....i love sport...badan cm sgt xselesa bila sdh lame x bersukan....then, diz year i nk encourage myself and my friends  involve in least jogging at Weekend day....
I join Badminton and my partner is Waheeda...hopefully we can win this tournament...i will try my best....Pray for us my friends...

Banyak maksud relationship ni...hehehe...
Relationship wif my friends....aka friendship...
Ada yg terasa semakin jauh, ada yg terasa biase2 aje, ada jg yg rase makin rapat, ada yg mcm suam2 kuku...hehehe....pepun yg i rase dekat or jauh...i love my friends so BFFs....Name2 nye...rahsia....I will do anything for them....
Setiap org ada kelemahan, me too of course....ada...
Terima baik buruk org seadanya...
Kelemahan diri kita perbaiki and always upgrade to be better than our old time.

"relationship"...hehehe...i know dia try to be honest about dia feeling....but...i'm in dilemma (mcm lagu Nora lak). I try to be honest too, but i dont know how...but if dia know me, dia will understand what i try to do...what i try to talk...what i try to explain....heheheh....
selama ni berkawan...dia always story mory about dia, relationship die before, whose dia like, and bila membabitkan or menerbitkan feeling2 ni, i jadi sgt segan...i jadi so lemah...i jadi so naif....i jadi so takut....i jadi sgt rendah diri...i jadi sgt xconfident...
I like dia so much...becoz i know dia is a good one...but i'm not really ready about to be so serious in relationship...InsyaALLAH if we are meant be together, i accept it with open heart...hehehehe....tetttt....sape2 bace, senyap je erk...
still dalam proses membiasakan diri, preparing myself....
hope dia xbosan dengan i.InsyaAllah i will wait for you...

work more harder than last year...ikhlaskan diri mendidik anak bangsa, more bersemangat. chaiyok2...dont ever tangguh2 kan work as soon as possible...practice to be a good teacher....lebih tegas and garang....(hahahha....cmner nk train i ni).
no more drama air strong facing any situation...
be anak buah yg berkaki lebar (berkaliber), facing all challenges with smiling...
what else?....the conclusion, i want be a great Teacher, great Worker...can i?InsyaALLAH....always pray for it.


be a better muslimah, better person, better daughter, better sister, better friends, be better in what i do, what i be...for the rest my lifetime.
Plan my financial neatly, for my bright future...hehehe...
Banyakkan amal ibadah...dari sekecik-kecik amal until la sebesar-besarnya...avoid mengumpat, avoid mengadu domba, avoid bermasam muka, avoid bad mood without nothing reason, avoid increase my voice volume. its not my faithfulness for diz year...because for me, we need to change our bad attitudes to the better one, day by day, time by soon as possible...jangan biarkan menjadi barah dlm diri kita bru nk, everyday, everytime i really hope to be a good person, a good ummah....dont talk to much, but make it be real Shakila....InsyaAllah...

for my beloved priority...
really hope that i always be with them in any situation, tolong segalanye semampunye  sebaik mungkin...
Alhamdulillah, semoga terus diberi nikmat iman yang xpegun semakin bertambah, nikmat islam yang berterusan, nikmat kesihatan, nikmat kebahagiaan yang berpanjangan, nikmat rezeki yang melimpah ruah untuk sm2 utk dikongsi, dilindungi dan dirahmati oleh Allah s.w.t sentiasa...everywhere, everytime.