Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Awesome Weekend

Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera to all my dear readers.... (ad ke readernye???)....hehehe....:)
nway...thank you so much for stopping by...

Diz entry Kiela nk story about last weekend that i had such a great weekend wif my beloved friends...Mek Na, Mek Ani, and Mek, added by Kiela be four person la kan...

Last two week, sengaja message mek ani, ask for her to come spend her time at Gambang and Kuantan...hehehe...tak sangka cempedak jadi nangka...she agreed wif my plan and asked Mek Na to join us too...

So, Mek Na applied her cuti (topup balik katenye cuti saturday yg die keje) and approved...:) step, they beli tiket for come to Pahang...sangat x sabar wait for them...long time no see and spend time together...

Kiela pun belikan tiket for them go back to Ganu on Sunday (11 Julai).
Semua plan yg lain cancelled just for spend time wif both of them...Luckily Nuyoi dah ad kereta and sanggup be pemandu yang berhemah for us....

9 Julai 2010 (Friday)
Get ready to fetch Mek Na and Mek Ani at Terminal...waiting for Nurul's calling but...nope...
Dalam hati kate, mesti Mek Nuyoi ni decision to call her...and...absolutely she sleep...hahaha....
Tido xcukup bcoz the nite before she stay up to finish all works.

Nuyoi dtg ambik me around 11.30 pm...first time out from my house at that jgk rasenye bcoz jalan x busy...
sunyi, lengang, tenang...

Belum smpai terminal, both of them dah msg us told that they already arrived at terminal...
"Please wait just for 5 minutes"...i replied them...
Once diorg dh msuk dlm kerete, 1st question is...."lapar x?"...(mahunye x...duk dlm bus 4 hours tu...nk2 mid nite...lagi la)
tul x?...
we decide to "makan mlm" at Aroy Chicken. Time tu dah dekat kul 1.30 am kot...nk kate makan pagi pun boleh la....hahaha...

Makan2 smbil sembang2...
Bertolak ke my rent house around kul 2.00 am kot...lupe lak nk tgok jam time tu...
Plan xnak tdo, but everyone looks like so tired...nnti kan x pasal2 esk xlarat nk jalan2...
we all sleep jgk la mlm tu....ZzzzzZZZzzzzz....(Good Morning)

10 Julai 2010 ( Saturday)
Eventhough tido xcukup...(nk2 weekend...alasan..!!!), but kerana semangat yg berkobar-kobar...and dgn plan yg mcm2 we all gagahkn jua  diri utk outing together...
Mek Na and Mek Ani x sabor nk shopping tu...Kiela and Nurul juz jeling2 je la...tgh bulan, poket pokai...huhuhu...

After Zuhur, we all go to Mega Mall shopping complex...wakaka...ramai giler org, smpai parking pn jauh beribu batu...(fuyoo...padahal memang malas nk jalan kaki)           
Kiela kongsi pic2 time kitaorg shopping erk...
mek nuyoi and mek na

Mek Ani and Mek La
Penat dh kaki ronda-ronda satu Megamall tu, dengan org yg ramai bcoz ada sale giler2 (80%) ke?Kiela tgok bese je...huhuhu... 
We all plan terus g Teluk Cempedak...There we all can talk more each other...knows the secret (single, available or not)...share everythings (about works, family, future, sadness, happiness).

Ni plak the pic2 yg smpt di snap time lepak2 kt TC...
see yaa...

we all lepak kt sana until 11.30 pm...seharian berjalan, ronda2 badan pun penat2...mata Kiela lagi la...cannot open dh rasenye...girls yg lain cm ok je...
before smpi umah, berhenti makan dlu...perut sudah menyanyi riang....lagu kerongcong plok tuh...

Rase cm xnak tdo sbb esk Mek Na and Mek Ani dh nak balik....but, i'm the 1st person tdo dat nite...huhuhu...Shakila...shakila...always like dat.

11 Julai 2010 (Sunday)
wake up dr tdo awal gok la...hehehe...
Today plan nk mkn nsi lauk budu, ulam-ulaman and ikan pagi2 lgi, Nurul and Mek Na dah mcm mak2 g pasar......raye beli ape yg patut...
So, plan we all nk mkn nasi ngan those lauk2 be reality...sooodddaaaappppppppp....makan hingga menjilat jari...hehehe....

after siap2 makan, ngemas and prepare diri msg2...terus bertolak ke EC Mall.Mek Na nk buy web cam...nsb baik EC Mall tu x mcm Megamall...brg2 yg nk dicari senang nk, we all just taken a few minute to find it.
Time is too short rasenye...
Suddenly dh kul 2.30pm...kena hntr both of girls ke terminal...

Najihah and Mariani...
Hopefully, both of you x serik dtg kuantan, dating wif us (Kiela and Nurul)
I had a great time....Thank you for the sweet memories...

To Nurul:
thank you so much...:)

To all:
Thank you all for being a part of the wonderful memories...

I thank to Allah SWT for the amount of love I have in me and my ability to give it freely without expectations to others.
I care for those people around me and trying to be honest to everyone. Thank you awesome people!


Anonymous said...

wonderful time:)

nur iman said...


Anonymous said...

hehehehehe....tak cayer walau dah hampir sploh tahun kita masih sama mcm dulu..suke..suke..suke...


ghathis said...

waaa...y i'm so touching read ur post my dear...huhuuh

Kiela said...

mek ani:..u always touching...juz to dedicate diz entry to u all...

Kiela said...

tu r nuyoi...hope cm gini smpi akhirnye...biar msg2 kawin doh pun...